About Swingiversity
For some people, expressing music is easy. For others, it’s not, but that doesn’t mean the level of enjoyment will be any different! Swingiversity was founded to make dance more accessible to everyone, and provide a fun and social way to ease into partner dancing. We at Swingiversity believe that everyone is a dancer. Whether that’s nodding along to your favorite songs, tapping out the rhythm, or just sitting back and relaxing to a song. If music affects you, you’re a dancer, and we want to help you get started on the journey of enjoying movement to music!
At Swingiversity we focus on the recent breakout dance called west coast swing. It’s a partner dance done to popular music that you can enjoy anywhere! We make it easy and fun to learn, and build up the skills and confidence to go social dancing with fellow dancers all over the city. The west coast swing community offers many social dances throughout the week where you can show up without a partner, and dance to music you enjoy while making new friends.
West coast swing is not only an enjoyable dance, but because of the freedom allowed, dancers end up honing critical life skills such as communication, collaboration, and adaptability while enjoying the dance! As you get more comfortable with the dance, there are conventions all around the world dedicated to west coast swing. You can visit Europe and Asia and find a community there to spend time with, all the while enjoying the subtle differences in how they approach the dance. If you’re looking for a hobby to keep you moving, social, and excited, west coast swing is the right dance for you.